4 x Punish Cards add an element of fun and suspense to the game. They also help to keep players from getting too comfortable with their position in the game.
The player who picks the card starts drinking, and everyone else follows suit. No one can stop drinking until the player before them stops.
Choose someone to drink 2 fingers!
Put your thumb on the table, everyone must follow. The last person to put their thumb down, drinks.
Point to the sky, last player to do this drinks!
Choose a mate, anytime you have to drink, they do!
Start with any word, the person to your left must come up with a rhyming word to yours. Continue around the circle until someone fails, then they drink!
Choose a topic that each player must in turn relate a word to, if you fail you drink!
Lasting the entirety of the game, make a rule, catch others out, if you succeed they drink
Ask players questions, if they answer you, they drink. If they respond with 'FUCK YOU QUESTION MASTER' you drink.
Pour 1/4 of your drink into the Kings Cup. The player who picks the last card has to drink the contents of the Kings Cup.